Management information

Title: SEASTORAGE Project
Code: TED2021-129816B-I00
Initial date: 1 de December de 2022
Ending date: 30 de November de 2024
Funding: 159275 €

Project description

Potential assessment for geological storage of CO2 and energy on the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves.

The SEASTORAGE project aims to evaluate the potential and typology of geological storage of CO2, H2 or other forms of energy through a systematic study of the underground geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising the nature, structure, geometry and physical properties of the potential storage/seal units, as well as the evolution of the seismic hazard within the geodynamic context in which they are located and/or conditioned by the reactivation of pre-existing faults during fluid injection processes. The initial condition, although without excluding other possibilities, is that the selected areas have a simple and easily modelled tectonic structure, that they are located in a stable geodynamic context and that they include one or more geological formations with sufficient thickness, extension, storage capacity, isolation and watertightness.


The EU has committed to carbon capture, utilisation and geological storage as a transitional technology that will help mitigate climate change. This technology involves capturing CO2 emitted by industrial installations, converting the captured CO2 into plastics, concrete or biofuel, and what cannot be reused, transporting it to a storage site and finally injecting and confining it in a suitable underground geological formation for permanent storage. Similarly, energy storage systems are also key to ensuring the transition to an emission-neutral economy and the effective integration of renewable energies into the system, as they allow energy to be stored at times when there is a surplus for use when resources are scarce or demand is high. One of the energy carriers that is attracting most interest is green hydrogen. If hydrogen is to make a significant contribution to reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, large-scale, high-capacity geological storage of hydrogen could be a critical technology. Moreover, hydrogen storage can be an effective solution to overcome one of the main drawbacks of renewable energy: the intermittent nature of its production, which does not always coincide with increases in demand.


Task 1.1
Compilation of available geophysical datasets

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Compilation of seismic sections and lithological, geophysical borehole logs and potential fields (gravimetry and magnetism) data from open access databases.

Perfiles MCE-1
Task 1.2
Processing of the geophysical information obtained

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Vectorisation and processing of seismic profiles in image format, geophysical boreholes logs and gravity and magnetic anomaly data.

Task 1.3
Incorporation of seismic profiles and geophysical borehole logs into seismic interpretation software

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Interpretation of the main geological units and determination of the discontinuities that will define the limits of the storage and seal units. Generation of isobath and isopach mapping of the storage and seal units.

Task 2.1
Lithological interpretation of established geological formations

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Lithological characterisation of geological units using log zonation and cross-plot or multi-record clustering techniques.

Cluster Cenia1
Task 2.2
Petrophysical interpretation of the different geological units defined

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Establishment of clay volume, porosity, sonic porosity, porosity density, permeability and geothermal gradient parameters.

Task 3.1
Development of seismic velocity model

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Transformation of the store/seal unit boundaries depth from double-time depth (TWTT) to metres.

Task 3.2
Production of geological sections and regional isobath and isopach maps and identification of storage formations

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Construction of the 3D geological model to visualise the structures and calculate the volume of rock that will act as a potential store

Perfil 76-0492
Task 3.3
Review of regional-scale seismic hazard on the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Identify the location of the store in the database of seismogenic zones of the Iberian Peninsula (ZESIS model), in the map of Quaternary Active Faults of Iberia (QAFI) and in the Neotectonic Map of Spain. Estimate the value of the PGA range for a return period of 500 years at the storage location.

Task 3.4
Characterisation of geological faults in terms of geometry and degree of activity around the area where the Underground Geological Store is located

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Reservoir-scale study of geological faults in order to characterise the fault plane, the evolution of fault activity, the last displacement, the slip rate and the seismogenic potential.

Task 3.5
Assessment of the potential capacity of the Underground Geological Store

The SEASTORAGE project aims to assess the potential and typology of Underground Geological Storages of CO2 and H2 by means a systematic study of the subsurface geology of the Mediterranean and Cantabrian continental shelves, characterising their nature, structure, geometry and physical properties.

Regional geothermal and geopressure characterisation and identification of optimal depths and zones for geological storage of CO2 or energy. Assessment of traps and prospects (including geological risk and volumetry of storage/seal pairs)

Principal Investigators

Adolfo Maestro
Maestro González, Adolfo
Fernando Bohoyo
Bohoyo Muñoz, Fernando


Garcia Crespo, Jesús
García Crespo, Jesús
Paula Fernandez
Fernández-Canteli Álvarez, Paula
Juliana Martin Leon
Martín León, Juliana María
Julian Garcia
García Mayordomo, Julián
Maria Druet
Druet Vélez, María
Jose Mediato
Mediato Arribas, José Francisco
Beatriz Benjumea
Benjumea Moreno, Beatriz
Estefania Llave
Llave Barranco, Estefanía


Iago Casemelle
Cameselle Ramos, Iago
Santiago Ledesma
Ledesma Mateo, Santiago
Francisco Pangaro
Pángaro Bedoya, Francisco
Carbon Capture & Storage Projects Sr. Manager at Repsol, Spain

Involved departments

Department of Geology and Subsoil

Involved groups

Research Group on Subsoil Geophysical and Geological Research


Image gallery

Almacen AE-1
Perfil 76-0493
Cluster Cenia-1
Seismic profiles map Mar Cantábrico E-1

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