Maria Druet
Druet Vélez, María
, Scientific Vice Direction, Department of Geology and Subsoil
OPIs Specialized Senior Technicians
(Civil servant)

Specialist Technician at the CN Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME-CSIC), and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Geological Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. Her research lines are focused on the field of geophysical prospecting, tectonics and geomorphology, especially focused on the knowledge progress of the geodynamics of continental margins. She has participated in 22 oceanographic campaigns on the continental margins of the Iberian Peninsula, Antarctica, the northern margin of the Caribbean Plate and the Patagonian continental margin, and in 24 research projects funded mainly by the Spanish National Research Program, the European Union (LIFE+ Program), the IGME-CSIC, the CN Instituto Español de Oceanografía, and the Complutense University of Madrid. She is co-author of 17 articles in indexed journals, 8 books and monographs, and 3 peer-reviewed book chapters.

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Department of Geology and Subsoil

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