
responsable of the service:


Tena Romero
Rodríguez Rodríguez
+34 957 19 4272
José Javier
Muñoz León
+34 957 56 2511
Ext. 5300
Repositorio Geológico
Martínez Calvo
+34 95 773 2341
Ext. 5304
Repositorio Geológico
Juan Pedro
Blanco Machuca
+34 957 73 2339
Ext. 5302
Repositorio Geológico
Molina Muñoz
+34 95 773 2340
Repositorio Geológico

The IGME Drilling Library manages the conservation of core samples from drilling and geochemical exploration obtained in research projects in Spain.

It offers the following services:

  • Consultation of witnesses, gravel and sample,
  • Sample studies
  • Preparation of transparent sheets and polished specimens
  • Probe Witness Court
  • Rock geochemical and borehole grinding plant

Available provisions


The core-repository is managed by the CN IGME, and belongs to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). The guidelines, policies, operating procedures and fees for the services of the CN IGME, CSIC core-repository, guarantee the correct conservation and security of the geological materials present in the CN IGME and provide the scientific community with access to the samples for research or consultation purposes.

Available services:

  • Consultation of the documentary archive.
  • Core collections and geological samples.
  •  Longitudinal cutting of cores with a saw.
  • Cutting of rock samples or short cores.
  •  Images of core-surfaces both longitudinal and 360ºC by DMT scanner.
  •  Images of core boxes.
  •  Consultation and obtaining of microphotographs of samples and thin sections by optical microscopy / dinolite.
  •  Cualitative chemical analysis by portable XRF-analyzer.
  •  Loans of samples for scientific purposes.
  •  Loans for tempo.

Conditions of service

Service requests will be made at The conditions of access and geological sampling and data policy must be accepted.

Access conditions:

  • The use of any of the services/spaces will be made by an official submission.
  • Requests for visits must be made at least 5 days in advance. Visits requiring several days of laboratory use, must be scheduled two weeks in advance.
  • The timetable for consultations and arranged visits will be from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and on working days; any other request must be approved by the Technical Vice-Directorate of the CN IGME.
  • The use of the facilities, staff working hours and analysis, will follow the regulations established and published by the CSIC. This information will also be posted on the Core-repository web page.
  • The regulations for the consultation of the documentary archive, will follow the regulations established by the Unit of Scientific Information Resources of the CSIC (URICI).

Sampling conditions:

  •  Sampling intervals will not be less than 10 cm. The repository must always have at least one half of the core intact, so if this amount is not available, sampling cannot be performed, or only non-destructive methods can be used. The staff of the repository will decide the sampling conditions.
  • The size of the sample will be limited, not being possible to take a sample larger than 2 cm3, the chip for a thin section or for micropaleontological or geochemical analysis. Sampling of cuttings will be limited to 10 grams, except when the sample left is less than the amount required. If a larger sample size is needed, a scientific justification must be submitted. The repository staff will determine if approval can be granted for larger sample(s). The samples, preparations, thin-section residues that are produced, will be property of the CN IGME CSIC, and must be returned once the study is finished. If this point is not complied with, the staff of the repository has the right to prohibit future visits and sampling to the staff of that center.
  • In order for permission to take samples, a commitment document (data and sample policy) must be signed by the person responsible for the project, department, area, in which it is agreed that any results obtained from the study of the samples will be sent to the IGME and that the analytical results of this study will be provided (data/sample return acceptance policy). The raw data obtained from each sample will be kept confidential for a period of 2 years and the interpreted data will be kept confidential for 5 years from the time of sampling. From that moment on, the information will be accessible to anyone who requires it. Any other condition must be approved by the person in charge of the Geological Repository.
  • Non-destructive analysis performed during a visit using a testing instrument brought in by the researcher is allowed under approval. The raw data produced from these analyses must be submitted to the repository within six months.
  •  It will not be allowed to perform the same type of analysis by a second researcher/company or user that duplicates analyses previously performed at the same levels and available to users.
  • We request that the CN IGME Core repository has to be acknowledged as the source of the sample material and/or provider related analytical data in any publication that contains results from studies of the IGME collections.

Prices document

Prices of IGME services dated 27/04/2023, you can see the tables corresponding to each service indicating the different rates.

The rates for external entities will be taxed with the corresponding IVA.

Service involved staff
Tena Romero
Rodríguez Rodríguez
+34 957 19 4272
José Javier
Muñoz León
+34 957 56 2511
Ext. 5300
Martínez Calvo
+34 95 773 2341
Ext. 5304
Juan Pedro
Blanco Machuca
+34 957 73 2339
Ext. 5302
Molina Muñoz
+34 95 773 2340