Scientific Departments

Department of Geological Resources for the Ecological Transition

Department of Geological Risks and Climate Change

Department of Geology and Subsoil

Water and Global Change Department

Our numbers

Scientific articles
Books and Guides
Territorial Units

The most visited

Geominer Museum

Geological Guides and Publications


New exhibition panels located in the access corridors to the Geomining Museum

Aquí podéis descargaros los paneles expositivos que encontraréis en las paredes de los pasillos de acceso al Museo Geominero, de manera gratuita, para su utilización como material didáctico y divulgativo. Conoce los orígenes del IGME y descubre dos de las principales extinciones masivas que ha sufrido nuestro planeta.
May 22, 2023
to July 1, 2023

The magma from the La Palma eruption helps predict the end of an eruption

The magmatic system evolves throughout the eruption, and its study can provide information on the different eruptive phases. A mixed team in which the UCM, the URJC and the IGME participate apply laser chemical analysis techniques to samples from the Canary Island volcano that allow greater precision than conventional ones
July 10, 2023
to August 31, 2023

Nicotine and antidepressants among the contaminants found in Antarctic waters

El estudio en el que han participado el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (CN-IGME CSIC), la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid junto con el Instituto de Diagnóstico Ambiental y Estudios del Agua (IDAEA-CSIC) y el Instituto del Agua de la Universidad de Granada, pone de manifiesto que la presencia de contaminantes derivados de la actividad humana, en aguas interiores y litorales de la Antártida, pueden suponer un riesgo toxicológico para el medio ambiente Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obten...
May 24, 2023
to December 31, 2023

The Geological and Mining Institute of Spain participates in a study to reduce the danger of rock falls in the Caminito del Rey (Málaga)”

El Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (CN IGME-CSIC) simulará desprendimientos en el Caminito del Rey utilizando modelos informáticos a la vanguardia en el estudio de estos fenómenos. Las simulaciones servirán de base para identificar las zonas más expuestas a los desprendimientos del Caminito. El Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (CN IGME-CSIC) desempeña un papel destacado en el importante proyecto liderado por la Universidad de Granada (UGR) y encargado por la Diputación de Málaga y l...
May 22, 2023
to August 31, 2023

SINC, Rafael Bachiller and the ‘chroniclers’ of the volcanic eruption of La Palma, awarded with the CSIC-BBVA Foundation Awards for Scientific Communication

El equipo periodístico de SINC, la agencia de noticias científicas de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT); el astrónomo y divulgador Rafael Bachiller; y los investigadores del Instituto Geológico y Minero (IGME-CSIC) que se volcaron en transmitir a la sociedad la mejor información científica sobre la erupción volcánica en La Palma han sido galardonados en la II edición de los Premios CSIC-Fundación BBVA de Comunicación Científica. El jurado otorga a SINC el galardón en ...
May 18, 2023
to December 31, 2023

IGME Memory 2022

El año 2022 ha sido un año tremendamente activo en el IGME, se ha llevado a cabo un trabajo muy intenso desde todos los ámbitos y el resultado es esta memoria. Durante el año 2022, han pasado muchas cosas en el IGME. La integración en el CSIC fue avanzando desde el inicio del año, con la integración eco-nómica y a lo largo de todo el año con la consolidación del nuevo organigrama del Centro Nacional. La Secretaría Gene-ral, encabezada por Luis Carreras, pasó a mediados de año a Gerencia, puesto ...
May 11, 2023
to May 11, 2024


Geological Service for Europe - GSEU
Weekend Workshops
Women who study the Earth
Volcano Exhibition


IGME institutional video
Igme is the Geological Survey of Spain
Duration: 3,39 minutes
November 17 2023
Eruption on La Palma island
Duration: 4 minutes
October 23 2023
Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Caribbean area in the last 90 Ma
Made with the geodynamic modeling software Gplates
Duration: 0,33 minutes
October 10 2023
Campaña de GNSS en las Béticas Orientales
Campaña de GNSS en las Béticas Orientales (2023)
Duration: 2 minutes
September 7 2023
¿Cómo se dispersa en la atmósfera la columna eruptiva?
Explicación dispersión de ceniza durante la erupción
Duration: 1 minutes
September 7 2023
THE GEOLOGICAL MAP "Drawing the Earth's skin"
The geological map is an essential scientific research tool for land planning, the search for mineral resources and the management of geological hazards
Duration: 10 minutes
July 31 2023

Our Projects

WaSHa Project

Characterize and disseminate different ancestral systems of BNS for Water for Water Management in Spain, is essential for them to be maintained over time.  
Research Group on Environmental Hydrogeology and Global Change

CEEGS Project

CO2 storage in geological formations and geothermal heat extraction. CEEGS follows a 3-phase approach: i) From theoretical principles to models, simulations and processes in which advanced numerical simulations integrate reservoir behaviour, wellbore design and surface plant design; ii) From models and simulations to systems/experimental verification addressing CEEGS integration and efficiency in energy systems, with digital functional and laboratory models developed and components validated wit...
GeoEnergy Research Group


Focus on advancing understanding of deep saline aquifer (DSA) resources for geological CO2 storage in five European industrial regions in the South and East. PilotSTRATEGY will investigate DSA in detail in three regions of Southern Europe: Paris Basin (France), Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) and Ebro Basin (Spain). This will include acquisition of new data, detailed geo-characterisation, feasibility studies and preliminary design or pre-front end engineering and design studies. At the end of the pr...
GeoEnergy Research Group


The project will study the capture, utilization and storage of CO2 in 8 regions with strategic elements: industrial groups, possible storage of CO2, possible use of CO2 and options for production and use of H2. Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) is a range of technologies, which can capture the large volumes of carbon dioxide (CO2) currently emitted to the atmosphere by industrial processes and power generation. The CO2 will be stored permanently in deep geological formations or used...
GeoEnergy Research Group

IMAGYN project

High-resolution imaging of the crustal-scale structure of the Central Pyrenees and role of Variscan inheritance on its geodynamic evolution. The main objective of the IMAGYN project is to obtain a high-resolution image of the crustal structure of the Central Pyrenees through the integration of geological and geophysical data obtained from several methods. This image is necessary to analyze the role played by Variscan structures and the petrophysical and structural heterogeneity in the geodynamic...
Research Group on Subsoil Geophysical and Geological Research

Project TI-RRES

Comprehensive evaluation of the mining waste accumulated in the ponds and tailing dumps of the Sn-Ta Golpejas mine. The TI-RRES project aims to carry out a comprehensive study of the mining waste accumulated in the ponds and tailing dumps of the Sn-Ta Golpejas mine, in Salamanca, in order to evaluate its potential for the recovery of rare earths and other critical raw materials, such as tantalum and niobium, and determine the possibilities of using industrial minerals, thus generating an economi...
GeoEnergy Research Group, Mining Waste and Environmental Geochemistry Research Group, Research Group on Economic Geology of Mineral Resources


National Geological Service

Natural Stone Laboratory and Technological Tests

Water Laboratory Service

Geochemistry Laboratory Service

Applied Microscopy/Artificial Vision Laboratory Service

Aerial Works Service

Mineralurgy Laboratory


Geominer museum

Territorial Units