National Center IGME Departments

The N.G. IGME is structured in four big groups:

  • Direction.
  • Management.
  • Scientific group.
  • Technician group.

The Direction is in charge of establishing, transposing and applying the regulations that govern the center. It has decision-making capacity regarding IGME’s scientific policy, institutional image, prioritization of profiles in the recruitment and training of personnel… In addition, it represents the institution in its relations with other institutions at any level.

The Management is in charge of the management of the center’s accounts, as well as the maintenance and updating of the work and telecommunications infrastructures.

The scientific group is made up of personnel whose work is the investigation and review of technical reports that the C.N. IGME is obliged to supervise. It is made up of research staff and students in training.

The technical group is made up of personnel dedicated to technical tasks, whether of a computational nature, field studies for data collection and reporting, support to scientific personnel in some of their projects, or who participate or coordinate in projects at any level (local, regional, national, European or global).



Direction support unit

Geological National Service



Scientific departments

Department of Geological Resources for the Ecological Transition

Department of Geological Risks and Climate Change

Department of Geology and Subsoil

Scientific Vice Direction

Technical Support Unit for the Scientific Vice-Directorate

Water and Global Change Department

Technical groups

General Laboratories

Geological Information System Division

Geominer Museum

Technical Support Unit for the Technical Vice-Directorate

Technical Vice Direction

The Geological repository