Edgar Berrezueta is a Geological Engineer (ESPOL, 1998), Master in Geological Tec. D. (UPM; Ulloa Grant, 2000), PhD (UPM; EU Grant, 2004) and Postdoc with MEC grant in 2008 (UNIOVI-Spain-, SGC-Canada- and UH-Finland-). Since 2009 he is a Senior Scientist at IGME. His activity is focused on the quantification of petrographic parameters by Image Analysis, for the characterization of: i) H2/CO2 geological reservoirs; ii) metallic ores and iii) strength of materials. He also collaborates in studies on geodiversity. He was coordinator of the Mining XXI Network of CYTED (2009-2013). Since 2006, he has participated in EU projects, National Plans and transfer contracts. In addition, he has directed TFM, TFG, student internships and technician contracts. He is responsible for the Microscopy equipment in Oviedo and the Autoclave in Tres Cantos. He is co-author of more than a hundred contributions (e.g. 47 in SCI, 65 in Scopus), 90 scientific congresses and 70 technological studies.
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