Digital Cartography Service

Code: 122200
Technical Vice Direction


In the early nineties, the IGME began to use GIS, both in raster and vector formats, and launched various projects to digitise its printed cartography on paper, starting with the 2nd series of the National Geological Map (MAGNA), for which a spatial database was generated and a physical and logical data model was designed, standardising the mechanisms for capturing and representing geological information.

It was in 2013 when it became necessary to create the Digital Mapping Service to manage all the digital information that had been generated until then at the IGME.

The Digital Mapping Service, which is part of the Geological Information Area, has the following tasks and competences:

  • Creation, loading, management, maintenance and dissemination of digital cartography.
  • Design and definition of methodologies and standardisations.
  • Administration of the cartographic file server.
  • Management of requests and queries on digital cartography by external and internal users.
  • Geological and thematic symbology generation.
  • Scanning and geo-referencing of maps.
  • Development of applications for information processing and data conversion.
  • Support to projects of other Departments.

Working areas

  • Loading, supervision, validation, maintenance and management of cartographic series produced by the IGME (MAGNA, GEODE, geological at a scale of 1:1,000,000, geological at a scale of 1:200,000, etc.).
  • Thematic cartography (geomorphological cartography, Quaternary map).
  • Project mapping, e.g. flooding, aquifer recharge, blue guides, continental margins.
  • Development of tools for the validation and management of digital cartography.
  • Participation in various working groups.

Involved projects

GSEU-Geological Framework for the European geological data and information system
Department of Geology and Subsoil

Available services

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Scientific production

(Articles whose authors are group members)

Francisco Javier
Aguilar Baños
+34 91 349 5740
María Teresa
Orozco Cuenca
+34 91 349 5748
Juan Antonio
Rodriguez García
+34 91 728 7205
Vega Martín
+34 91 349 5741

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