The study of mineral resources was one of the founding objectives of the IGME. During the second half of the 20th century, the institution led research work on mineral resources and reserves in Spain, and today, it is still considered a priority line of research.
The GECOMIN Research Group participates at regional, national and international level in the development of research projects on critical raw materials. The results of this research have direct practical application, providing valuable information to geological resource managing bodies to facilitate strategic decision-making aligned with the Sustainable Developments Goals of the 2030 Agenda, which translates into collaborations with public administrations.
GECOMIN currently consists of 15 members, including researchers and senior specialised technicians with extensive experience in the study of geological resources.
Although the group was created in August 2021, the collaboration between some of its members has been going on for many years.
1.Characterization, genesis and assessment of mineral resources. The main objective is to study the geological processes leading to the formation of mineral deposits, to assess the quantity and quality of resources, both of primary and secondary origin, and to identify areas with undiscovered mineral resources or with potential for future supply of raw materials (metallic, non-metallic and industrial), with special emphasis on critical or strategic ones, with the ultimate aim of increasing interest in mineral exploration. The mineral systems under investigation are: a) rift- and subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal systems: rare-metal granites, pegmatites, greisen, skarns and quartz veins enriched in Sn, W, Nb, Ta, Li and Be; b) peralkaline magmatic systems and carbonatites; c) hydrothermal systems in shear zones: orogenic gold-type deposits and polymetallic sulphide deposits; d) continental marine basin systems: sedimentary exhalative (sedex-type deposits), iron-manganese oxides, black shale deposits, etc.; e) volcanogenic submarine hydrothermal systems: massive sulphide deposits; f) mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems: Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide deposits, Fe-Ti-V and, and Cr deposits; g) IOCG systems; and h) surface weathering systems: placer-type deposits
To achieve these goals, the following studies are carried out: mapping, geochemical exploration of rocks, minerals and sediments, geochronology, isotopic geochemistry and fluid inclusions. All this makes it possible to complete the existing databases, according to the INSPIRE directive requirements, under the international reporting standards (CRIRSCO) and the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC), for the search for mineral resources and in the elaboration of the genetic models to be applied in the evaluation of resources. In addition there is active participation in the activities of working groups and forums (MREG, NoPE, etc.) on data harmonization.
2.Mineral processing and metallurgy. This research line is focused on the study of the viability of new environmentally friendly metallurgical treatment processes, for the use of both primary and secondary mineral resources, with the ultimate aim of providing a complete picture of the potential of geological resources.
For this purpose, physical-chemical processing techniques are applied, such as flotation, gravimetric, magnetic and, electrostatic separation, which allow the concentration of the minerals of interest, with the aim of achieving the best grade/recovery curve and identifying all potential products and by-products of the process.
3.Mining heritage. Development of research activities, cataloguing and enhancement of the Mining Historical Heritage in Spain, both in its physical and documentary aspects.
4.Natural stone, historical quarries and architectural heritage. The main objective is to study the natural stone and its technological and constructive applications in the architectural and monumental heritage and in civil and current works. The areas where the rock used in construction was quarried (historical quarries) are located and characterized. Furthermore, technological tests are carried out to restore or treat pathologies, or replace the architectural asset.
GECOMIN has led and leads competitive projects financed by international, national and regional programs, projects derived from collaboration agreements with public administrations and also carries out technological support contracts. As it is contemplated in the Mining Law, mandatory and advisory reports are prepared. The group’s work keeps the institutional databases updated, maps different topics and disseminates research results through different channels. Highlights of the last 5 years (2019-2023) are listed.
START - Sustainable energy harvesting systems based on innovative mine waste recycling. 101058632 HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-07. (2022-2026). Project leader at the IGME: E. Boixereu.
BRINE RIS - Brines of RIS countries as a source of CRM and energy supply. EIT21005. (2022-2024). Project leader at the IGME: E. Boixereu.
GSEU - A Geological Service for Europe (Nº101075609) - WP2 – Critical Raw Materials, the International Centre of Excellence and United Nations Framework Classification (CRM-ICE-UNFC). (2022-2026). Project leader at the IGME: F.J. González, with the collaboration of the GECOMIN RG.
GeoERA - European Geological Surveys Research Area to deliver a Geological Service for Europe. ERA-NET COFUND (2018-2021). Projects: FRAME, MINTELL4EU and EUROLITHOS (Nº731166).
- FRAME - Forecasting and assessing Europe’s strategic raw materials needs (GeoE.171.010). Project leader at the IGME: S.M. Timón Sánchez.
- MINTELL4EU - Mineral Intelligence for Europe. Project leader at the IGME: R. Martínez.
- EUROLITHOS - European Ornamental Stone Resources. Project leader at the IGME J. Martínez, with the collaboration of the GECOMIN RG.
TI-RRES - Evaluación del potencial de recuperación de tierras raras (REE) y otros metales (Nb, Ta, Sn) a partir de residuos mineros de la mina de Golpejas y su restauración ecológica. (TED2021–130109A-I00). (2023-2024). Project leader: T. Llorens González.
Perturbaciones ambientales y biogeoquímicas asociadas a la explosión cámbrica y la biodiversificación ordovícica en Gondwana occidental y báltica (PID2021-125585NB-I00). (2022-2026). Project leader: J. Álvaro Blasco (IGEO-CSIC), with the collaboration of T. Sánchez-García.
MODELS III - Arqueología de las iglesias hispánicas del siglo X: la circulación de modelos arquitectónicos y decorativos III (PID2020-116931GB-I00). (2021-2024). Project leader: M. A. Utrero (EEA-CSIC), with the collaboration of E. Álvarez Areces.
RESCUhE - Improving structural RESilience of Cultural HEritage to diretional extreme hydro-meteorological events in the context of the Climate Change. (2021-2025). Project leader at the IGME: J. Martínez, with the collaboration of E. Álvarez Areces.
ECO_CAM-OR - Ecosistemas marinos y cambios ambientales en los márgenes de Gondwana durante la Explosión Cámbrica y la Biodiversificación Ordovícica. DGICYT (MICINN-Ref. CGL2017-87631P). (2018-2020). Project leader: J. Álvaro Blasco (IGEO-CSIC), with the collaboration of T. Sánchez-García.
El Monasterio altomedieval de Santa María de Melque (Toledo). Configuración arquitectónica, materialidad. Proyecto Investigación de Patrimonio Arqueológico y Paleontológico. Castilla-La Mancha. Consejería Educación, Cultura y Deportes. (2021). Project leader: M. A. Utrero (EEA-CSIC), with the collaboration of E. Álvarez Areces.
PLANAGEO – National Geology Plan of Angola. IGME-LNEG-IMPULSO joint venture, Government of Angola. Project leader at the IGME: J.L. García Lobón. Geochemical exploration has been carried out in areas of mining interest by I. Martín Méndez. Within the framework of this agreement, the Carmina Project has been developed for the exploration of industrial rocks and minerals and mapping, led by J. Fernández Suárez.
MINCE - Materias primas estratégicas para la transición energética y digital y el suministro de las principales cadenas de valor industrial de España. Subdirección General de Minas (MITERD). (2022). MPMIN - Gestión sostenible de las materias primas minerales. Subdirección General de Minas (MITERD). (2023). Project leader: T. Sánchez García.
PIACH - Primer inventario andaluz de canteras históricas en piedra natural utilizadas en construcción arquitectónica histórica y obra civil actual. Consejería de Empleo, Empresa y Comercio de la Junta de Andalucía. (2018-2022). Project leader: J. Fernández Suárez.
POMINAL - Estudio de la potencialidad minera del territorio de Andalucía para el aprovechamiento de minerales críticos. Junta de Andalucía. (2021-2022). Project leader: I. Martín.
INRECMINOR – Investigación de Recursos Minerales en la Zona Norte de España. Principado de Asturias. (2020-2023). Project leader: J. Fernández Suárez.
Aplicación de Técnicas e Investigaciones Hidrogeológicas en relación con el uso sostenible de las aguas subterráneas para abastecimiento urbano y apoyo a la puesta en valor y divulgación del patrimonio minero y monumental de la Provincia de Jaén (2017-2022). Diputación de Jaén. Project leader: C. Martín Montañés, with the collaboration of C. Fernández-Leyva.
BALESPA - Inventario de espacios de balsas y escombreras afectados por la minería en el Principado de Asturias. Fundación Barredo (Gobierno del Principado de Asturias). (2022). Project leader: J. Fernández Suárez.
GECOMIN, through the National Geological Service, prepares REPORTS to respond to queries on mineral resources addressed to the IGME. Most of the requests are for the preparation of mandatory reports, i.e. those on which the IGME is required to report, as provided for in the mining law. These are, for the most part, on extensions of exploration permits, exploitation concessions and authorisations for the establishment of beneficiation and reclassification of substances in the framework of the mining law. In addition, we also respond to other advisory reports requested from our institution. On average, around 40 reports are produced annually.
Updating of the Mineral Resources Database (BDMIN) and the Geochemistry Database.
Inventories of Mining Heritage and Historic Quarries associated with Architectural Heritage.
Production of metallogenic maps (1:200.000), mineral prospectivity maps (1:500.000), rocks and industrial minerals maps (1:100.000 to 1:250.000), and systematic exploration maps (1:50.000).
Geochemical Atlas of Spain (15.000 samples of stream sediments and soils at two depths, with density adapted to geology, mining, industrial or urban interest).
During the period 2019-2023, it is worth highlighting the publication of 40 articles in indexed international journals, 12 chapters in international and national books and 2 books. Among the latter, the first book published by the IGME in the publishing house of the CSIC. In addition, more than 60 papers have been presented at international and national conferences. The group has proven experience as editors of national journals (Boletín Geológico y Minero and De Re Metallica), as reviewers in international journals and as guest editors in international monographs.
Cartographic products have been produced, including the Map of Critical Minerals of Andalusia (1:800.000) and the Map of Rocks and Industrial Minerals of Jaén (1:200.000). The Annual Mining Panorama is produced, with economic data on mining production, national and world reserves and resources, foreign trade, prospects and prices of mineral substances.
GECOMIN members sit on committees and commissions. At international level, they participate in the EuroGeoSurveys Raw Materials and Geochemistry Expert Groups, in the Network of Practitioners Europe (NoPE) and in the Association of Iberoamerican Geological and Mining Surveys (ASGMI). At national level, they take part in the Innovation Commission of the Association of Research, Extraction, Mining/Metallurgical processing, auxiliary and Service Companies (AMINER) and in the Coordination of the Women and Geology Commission of the Geological Society of Spain.
Señalar la participación de GECOMIN en las Plataformas Temáticas Interdisciplinares del CSIC como PAIS, Patrimonio Abierto: investigación y sociedad. Y también en Conexiones CSIC, como Conexión-Arqueología y Conexión-Geociencias para un planeta sostenible.
GECOMIN is involved in the CSIC's Interdisciplinary Thematic Platforms such as Platform Open Heritage: Research and Society (PTI-PAIS). And in the CSIC Connections, such as the ArchaeologyHub-CSIC and Geosciences for a sustainable planet.
During the period 2019-2023, GECOMIN members have participated in 94 scientific dissemination activities, including:
-International events, such as the PDAC in Toronto (Canada), and national events, such as the Mining & Minerals Hall Seville, the great European mining convention.
-Research-business meetings, such as those organised by the Fundación General CSIC.
-Programmes and proposals, such as Researchers' Night and ‘Geocharlas’, a programme of the Geological Society of Spain.
-Conferences for non-specialists, such as the I Webminar of the Spanish Mineralogical Society.
-Talks in centers at all educational levels, from primary education to university.
-Popular science articles written for the written press and digital platforms, such as The Conversation.
-Interviews for radio programmes, national and international television and written and digital press.
Different members of the group supervise Final Degree Projects, Master's Degree Projects, Master's Degree Student Internships, Professional Internships and Doctoral Theses in different Universities such as Oviedo, Salamanca, Complutense and Polytechnic of Madrid, Granada and Seville. Some members have collaborated in teaching innovation projects for the USAL's Geology and Geological Engineering Degrees.
Some members of GECOMIN have been lecturers at university level and regularly participate in the "Master's Degree in Earth Sciences: Environmental and Applied Geology" at the University of Salamanca, in the subject Mineral Resources of the Iberian Peninsula, and also in the "Master's Degree in Geology Applied to Mineral and Energy Resources" (GEOREC) at the University of Granada.
GECOMIN actively participates in the CSIC's JAE Programme for students interested in starting a research career, supervising JAE Intro, JAE Intro ICU and JAE PRE grants. At an international level, some members of the group supervise the work of students through the EIT Raw Materials RIS Internship Programme, co-funded by the EU. Some members of the group have formed part of selection panels to recruit young researchers to the IGME-CSIC.
Teaching is also provided in the CSIC Specialisation Course "Archaeology of Architecture", with the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome (EEHAR-CSIC).
(Articles whose authors are group members)
© 2024 Instituto Geológico y Minero de España