This project is about the geological characterization of the subsurface for the selection of hydrogen storage structures in porous formations and saline diapirs.
The UNDERGY project is about the geological characterization of the subsurface for the selection of hydrogen storage in structures of porous formation.
Para alcanzar este objetivo, el IGME realizará en colaboración con GESSAL una selección de sectores y estructuras favorables para el almacenamiento en diferentes áreas de la Península Ibérica. Se seleccionarán almacenes de hidrógeno a partir del conocimiento regional cartográfico del IGME y de la disponibilidad de información de subsuelo (sísmica de reflexión, gravimetría y sondeos profundos).
El equipo de trabajo del IGME para este proyecto lleva trabajando durante los últimos años en la Cordillera Bética y Pirenaica, donde se han elaborado numerosos cortes regionales que tienen en consideración la tectónica salina. La localización de diapiros de sal y su distribución en el subsuelo es de especial interés para el almacenamiento de hidrógeno en cavernas salinas. La elaboración del mapa tectónico de España por parte del equipo de trabajo es un punto de partida fundamental para la detección de estos almacenes potenciales.
Renewable energy in Spain has great potential, however, to regulate the production/consumption imbalance it is necessary to store excess energy. One solution would be the geological storage of H2. The geological storage of H2 can be carried out in 3 geological contexts:
1) caverns generated in saline deposits
2) depleted hydrocarbon deposits
3) deep saline aquifers
The IGME work team for this project has been working for the last few years on the geological storage of CO2 and the study of deep aquifers. They have also worked in the Betic, Cantabrian and Pyrenean Cordilleras, where numerous regional geological cross sections have been made that take salt tectonics into consideration.
This activity consists of the collection and incorporation of new geological and geophysical data, such as newly published geological data and geophysical data.
This activity is carried out simultaneously by different members of the team and shared on a GIS platform. In addition to the existing geological maps at a scale of 1: 50000 (published by IGME), part of the research team involved in the creation of new geological maps provides input of new geological data.
Interpretation of seismic profiles available and from the national hydrocarbons database.
The availability of commercial reflection seismic profiles acquired mainly since the 1970s by oil exploration companies allows exploration of the subsurface of the Iberian Peninsula. Seismic profiles are heterogeneously distributed and most of them are available in the hydrocarbon database of Spain ( The deep boreholes allows the interpretation of seismic stratigraphy. The velocity data from these boreholes are used to perform time-depth conversion of seismic profiles.
Development of deep geological cross sections from the integration of surface and subsurface geological data.
To characterize the geometry of the hydrogen stores, balanced geological cross-sections will be made with the help of the Move structural analysis program (Midland Valley), which allows the integration of structural data and subsurface data for the building of 2D geological cross-sections. In these sections, the field data (geological contacts and dips) will be integrated with the data derived from wells, geophysical models and seismic reflection profiles.
3D geological models of selected structures for H2 storage are built to characterize their geometry and storage volume.
Hydrogen storage areas preliminarily characterized from geological cross-sections and subsurface geological information (seismic, boreholes and geophysics) may be candidates if they have enough information to perform a 3D geological model. The 3D geological models will be built using Move and Skua-Gocad software.
Continuous meetings are held between Gessal and IGME to share the tasks performed and the progress of the project.
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