Boletín Geológico y Minero >  Index > Volume 126/4


Boletin geológico y minero- Portada número 126_4 - 2015

Volume 126 – Issue 4  

Year 2015  

October - December 

IGME’s quarterly Journal since 1874

Flecha Index



Numerical simulation methods applied to injection and storage of CO2 in saline aquifers.

J. Arjona García-Borreguero, R. Rodríguez Pons-Esparver y A. Iglesias



Methodological proposal for defining mining vocation in Venezuelan land-use planning.

R. Y. Valladares Salinas, F. Dal Pozzo y A. J. Castillo Padrón.



Developments in gold and silver recovery through flotation in processing of gold ore slags.

N. Hidalgo, A. Diaz, V. Bazán y P. Sarquís



Triassic-Jurassic pteridosperms of Australasia: speciation, diversity and decline.

G.A. Pattemore, J.F. Rigby and G. Playford.



Groundwater resources exploration in the Zug area (Tiris, Western Sahara).

B. Ahmed, F. Villarroya, L. F. Rebollo, A. Olaiz y J. López.


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