LIG Canarias

Logos LIG Canarias


Under the law 42/2007 of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, geoheritage is defined as: “The set of geological natural resources of scientific, cultural and/or educational value, whether they are formations or geological structures, landforms, minerals, rocks, meteorites, fossils, soils and any other geological expressions which make it possible to know, study and interpret: a) the origin and evolution of the Earth, b) the processes which have shaped it, c) the past and present climates and landscapes and d) the origin and evolution of life”.

The knowledge of these geological processes and elements, which have created the environment where millions of people live and developed places where these processes can be learnt, understood and enjoyed, have resulted in an indispensable element for the sustainable development of the population, either for locals or tourists. Thus, this project has as a general objective, which is the characterization and promotion of geological places with singularity, beauty and outstanding heritage assets present in the territory of the Canary Islands, as well as its marketing and tourist outreach for the general harnessing of the population.

For this purpose, a catalogue with the inventory of the main geosites will be created, following the common analysis and assessment methodology, adapted to insular volcanic territories. This methodology is based on the one implemented by the Geological Survey of Spain (The Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, IGME in Spanish), and developed in the definition of geosites within the UNESCO Global Geopark of Lanzarote and Chinijo Islands. This catalogue will consist of a series of geosites which intends to cover, for the first time, the most relevant aspects of the geological history in the Canary Islands as a whole, not only considering those resulting from internal geological processes (volcanism and tectonics), but also the ones linked to the external geological agents and processes, fundamentally erosion and sedimentation.

The characterisation of geosites constitute a strategic tool which may be usable as scientific, educative, cultural and touristic resources either by the regional and local Administration for management and planning. Moreover, this inventory will be useful for the tourism industry as it will diversify the choice offered to tourists, becoming a source of sustainable and “green” employment.

Caldera de Taburiente La Palma

View of the Taburiente caldera, La Palma

El Pajerito (Timanfaya) Lanzarote

El Pajerito volcano (historic volcanic field of Timanfaya)

Complejo Basal Fuerteventura

Dykes and faults cutting through the deposits of Fuerteventura Basal Complex


Teide phonolitic lavas (in the foreground) and the Cañadas caldera walls (in the background)

Falla de San Andrés El Hierro

Slickensides in the San Andrés fault, El Hierro

Imagen Boceto IGME


Ríos Rosas, 23

28003 Madrid

Teléfono + 34 913 495 700

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