Geohazards InSAR Modelling 2017

Enlaces de interés

Enlaces de interés

Andrea Manconi

Dep. of Earth Sciences

ETH Zürich

Andrea Manconi

Research Line

• Analysis and interpretation of surface deformation due to slope instabilities

• Remote sensing, in particular space-borne SAR interferometry

• Design and development of monitoring networks and early warning systems

• Numerical modeling

Selected publications

D. Giordan, A. Manconi, P. Allasia and D. Bertolo. Brief Communication: On the rapid and efficient monitoring results dissemination in landslide emergency scenarios: The Mont de la Saxe case study. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15 (9): 2009-2017, Göttingen: Copernicus, 2015.

A. Manconi and D. Giordan. Landslide early warning based on failure forecast models: the example of the Mt. de La Saxe rockslide, northern Italy. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15 (7): 1639-1644, S.l.: European Geosciences Union, 2015.


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