Logo DONAIRE  Project

  DONAIRE Project > Activities


Enlaces de interés


Spatial extent of DONAIRE

DONAIRE was planned to cover most of micro-environments in NE Spain (Navarra, Aragon, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands). Our strategy was designed according to scientific questions: What is going on in remote areas? How much of atmospheric transfers are exclusively from our cities? Which types of particles we will find around industrial environments? etc.; and logistic criteria: we need to access regularly to the sites (twice per month), we need people for that, and we need to capture the highest number of samples avoiding, for example, vandalism acts.


Location of DONAIRE sites according to their characteristics, all represented over a land cover map
Location of DONAIRE sites according to their characteristics, all represented over a land cover map

Imagen Boceto IGME


Ríos Rosas, 23

28003 Madrid

Teléfono + 34 913 495 700

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